About Omnidoll

Omnidoll Head Shot for EffigiPie with Assorted Figures 2013

Omnidoll in front of Assorted Dolls 2013. I go by that because I do not have one favorite type of effigy or doll. I’m either dollniverous…or omni-doll.


Omnidoll’s EffigiPie IS:
Doll Culture.
Effigies that can be posed.
Doll parts.
Pop Culture.
and How One Presents Another Self…

The name “Omnidoll” comes from my liking almost every kind of doll. I am a fan of unusual interpretations of poseable effigies, antique and vintage dolls, plush, female action figures, doll-related DIY, doll making, doll customizing, and doll repair. I am a member of Dollmakers of Etsy.

I may be contacted at effigipie@yahoo.com.

For more text than images, please see more here at http://www.effigipie.com.
For more images than text, please see EffigiPie on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/omnidoll/

Image streams: Effigi Pie on Tumblr: omnidoll.tumblr.com,
or EffigiPie on Pinterest.




Occupation: Writer/Researcher, Education Consultant


Omnidoll’s work addresses how people can speak past obstacles in multiple ways, such as through Popular Culture, Literature, Folklore, Material Culture, and Film.

For example, yes, your parent(s) had been trying to tell you something by giving you that White Elephant from Aunt/Uncle Martha or Cousin It.

She has spent her career pursuing answers to the question:

• How do people communicate what matters most to them when obstacles block their expression?

In turn, this has led her to research and tell people about the inner workings of Rhetoric (the study of the means of persuasion), such as:

(1.) How to write a serious novel while making people laugh;

(2.) How old your grandmother’s doll is, how it was made, why it was made like that, how to repair it–and how a doll can tell you things you didn’t know about your family;

(3.) How mechanical dolls in the Renaissance anticipated the avatars of 21st century online gaming;

(4.) How a “charming little story” enables you to tell people things they do not want to hear–and how they will thank you for it!

Omnidoll has been interviewed (under her real name) by The Denver Post, on the occasion of Mattel’s 50th anniversary of their “Ken Doll”. She has served as an acquisitions and material culture consultant to the Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles, CA.

She holds a Ph.D. in Rhetoric from the University of California at Berkeley, a Master of Fine Arts (in Fiction and Publishing) from Emerson College, Boston, MA, with additional certification from institutions such as:

The Pacific Film Archive, Brown University, and the Bennington Summer Writing Workshop.

Omnidoll is the author of the award-winning non-fiction book Folk Women and Indirection in Morrison, Ni Dhuibhne, Hurston, and Lavin (Ashgate 2007). She is currently at work on her second novel and completing a manuscript on material culture studies (Culture in America) for University Press of Mississippi.
–Thanks for looking at the EffigiPie Project today!

action figure anthropomorphism avatar ceremonial figurescollecting doll doll collecting doll makeover dollmaking doll repaireffigipie effigy figure folk craft folklore foreign dolls hobbiesK.I.S.S. mascot material culture office culture pop culture popular culture stuffed animals stuffies

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